Q 11.
The birthday of which leader is being celebrated during the Vigilance Awareness Week?
A)  Subhas Chandra Bose
B)  Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
C)  Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
D)  Chandra Shekhar Azad
Answer & Explanation Answer: Chandra Shekhar Azad


The Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 has been organised by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) from 26 October to 01 November 2021 on the birthday of Chandra Shekhar Azad

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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 12.

Which week Every year from October 24 to 30 is marked?

A)  Space Week
B)  Investor Week
C)  Disarmament Week
D)  Week of Deaf People
Answer & Explanation Answer: Disarmament Week


Disarmament Week begins every year on October 24, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, and continue till October 30

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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 13.

Who is the owner of the new Ahmedabad IPL team?

A)  Adani Group
B)  CVC Capital Partners
C)  Glazers
Answer & Explanation Answer: CVC Capital Partners


Irelia Company Pte Ltd. (CVC Capital Partners) claimed the new Ahmedabad IPL team with a bid worth Rs 5625 crores during the IPL auction.

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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 14.

What is the theme of Vigilance Awareness Week 2021?

A)  Eradicate Corruption-Build a New India
B)  Independent India @75: Self Reliance with Integrity
C)  Vigilant India, Prosperous India
D)  Integrity A way of life
Answer & Explanation Answer: Independent India @75: Self Reliance with Integrity


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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 15.

The United Nations the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on which of these days?

A)  October 23
B)  October 24
C)  October 26
D)  October 27
Answer & Explanation Answer: October 27


The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is held every year on October 27

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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 16.

The first-ever state-government-owned Wildlife DNA analysis laboratory has been launched in which city?

A)  Nagpur
B)  New Delhi
C)  Guwahati
D)  Hyderabad
Answer & Explanation Answer: Nagpur


India's first state government-owned Wildlife DNA analysis laboratory has been inaugurated at Regional Forensic Science Laboratory (RFSL) in Nagpur, Maharashtra

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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 17.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman attended the 6th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) virtually. What was the theme of the meeting?

A)  Investing Today and Transforming Tomorrow
B)  Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure: Innovation and Collaboration
C)  Cooperation and Connectivity
D)  Connecting For Tomorrow
Answer & Explanation Answer: Investing Today and Transforming Tomorrow


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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 18.

Which ministry has launched the Amrit Mahotsav Podcast as a part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration?

A)  Ministry of Power
B)  Ministry of Education
C)  Ministry of Culture
D)  Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Answer & Explanation Answer: Ministry of Culture


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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 19.

How many members are there in the expert committee constituted by the Supreme Court to probe the Pegasus snooping allegations?

A)  Four
B)  Three
C)  Six
D)  Five
Answer & Explanation Answer: Three


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MCQ Type: October 2021

Q 20.

What is the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage?

A)  Discover, Remember and Share
B)  Engage the Past Through Sound and Images
C)  Your Window to the World
D)  It's your story - don't lose it
Answer & Explanation Answer: Your Window to the World


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MCQ Type: October 2021