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Q 1.

Which article makes special provisions for the state of Nagaland?

A)  371 A
B)  370
C)  371
D)  None of these
Q 2.

An appeal in criminal cases of Gram Nyayalaya lies to?

A)  Court of Session
B)  District Court
C)  Supreme Court
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Court of Session


A) Court of Session

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 3.

Rajya Sabha seats are allotted on the basis of-

A)  Population
B)  Area of the state
C)  Both A & B
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Population


A) Population

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 4.

Who elects the representatives of union territories in the Rajya Sabha?

A)  Electoral College
B)  Governors
C)  President
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Electoral College


A)Electoral College

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 5.

Who is the head of the government according to the Constitution of India?

A)  Prime Minister
B)  President
C)  Chief Justice of India
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Prime Minister


A) Prime Minister

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 6.

Articles of Part-III related to-

A)  Article 16
B)  Article 15
C)  Article 19
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Article 19


C) Article 19

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 7.

Which one country provide single Citizenship policy?

A)  Nepal
B)  Pakistan
C)  Canada
D)  All of above
Q 8.

Which Schedule of Indian Constitution mentions about the division of power between the Union and the States?

A)  7th
B)  8th
C)  9th
D)  None of these
Q 9.

“Communal Award” announce in August 1932 by-

A)  Clement Attlee
B)  Ramsay MacDonald
C)  Lord Mountbatten
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Ramsay MacDonald


B) Ramsay MacDonald

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution

Q 10.

The first Preventive Detention Bill(1950) introduced by-

A)  Sardar Patel
B)  Narahar Vishnu Gadgil
C)  Baldev Singh
D)  None of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: Sardar Patel


A) Sardar Patel

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MCQ Type: Indian Politics, Indian Polity, Indian Polity & Constitution